Saturday 7 February 2009

Drum roll please...

The shop is finally up, open, stocked and fully functioning. So far there's a selection of men's tees, jackets and sweatshirts with a few Levis thrown in for good measure. Girl's gear and more coming throughout the next week. Click the 'Electric Store' logo on the right to go straight their, and let us know what you think!

Thursday 5 February 2009

Yum, Yum, Yum

Finely slice 1/2 a white cabbage and roughly grate 1 and 1/2 large carrots. Mix in a bowl. In a small bowl mix together 1 tub of creme fraiche, fresh lemon juice, sea salt and ground black pepper. Taste. Add the creme fraiche mix to the veg and thoroughly mix through with a fork to cover all of it. Taste again and add more seasoning if neccesary

Sticky turkey:
In a large bowl whisk together 1tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp fresh lemon juice, 1 tbsp runny honey, 1tsp sea salt, 1/4 tsp paprika and 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic. Chop up 3 turkey breasts into bite size pieces (or cut turkey chunks into smaller pieces). Place in the marinade and mix so all pieces are covered. Leave for atleast 10 minutes. Fry on a medium heat in a dry frying pan in small batches. Eat straight away, eat cold or freeze for later.

And breath!

I'm much calmer after my little camera related rant a couple of days ago. Called the customer services line again today and was taken aback by how helpful the man on the other end of the line was. In 5 minutes everything was sorted and I'm getting a refund - hurrah!

Yesterday also cheered me up no end because:

  1. I got to see P :)
  2. We had dinner at Nando's - lemon herb chicken fillet pitta with pineapple and chips, I could eat it every day (though I'd no doubt get ludicrously fat and have a blood pressure rating that went through the roof)
  3. We went to see this fabby film -
I read about it many months ago in a copy of Nylon and have been desperate to see it ever since. Plus we had a voucher for the cinema from Christmas so tickets, large sweet popcorn and large drink where to all intents and purposes free!

We both went a bit crazy over where we'd seen Kat Dennings before but IMDB solved all our problems when we got home (he'd seen her in the '40 Year Old Virgin', I'd seen her in 'Sex & The City').

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Well, I tried!

Today I have attempted to take photographs of our stock. Here's what happened: after finally getting the background and lighting set up perfectly I turned on my camera to find the batteries had died. 'OK' I thought, they where after all just the cheap ones that came with the camera. So I opened a fresh pack of Kodak's and popped them in. 2 minutes later the low battery warning was flashing. I put in a second batch, switched it on and did nothing with the camera - just watched the LCD screen. 2 MINUTES of the camera doing nothing and the battery died again! I charged up re-chargeable batteries. These gave me 15 minutes of shooting time and when I turned the camera back on after leaving it switched off for a couple of hours while I ate dinner and caught up on Gossip Girl, you guessed it - batteries dead! Man im pissed. I called the website I bought it from (a big electronics company in the UK) I was told that it didn't sound like a fault (!!!!!) and that I wasn't entitled to a refund as I'd owned the camera for 14 days. I pointed out that the terms and conditions printed on the website state that I have the choice of an exchange or refund if it becomes faulty within 28 days to which she just said 'Oh, yes'.

I am ringing them again tommorow. Wish me (or more likely them) look!

N x

Monday 2 February 2009

Day time naps+caffeine=midnight picture taking

OK, so it's actually 11.37pm my time! After originally getting up at 6.10am, I fell asleep for an hour and a half around 8 due to having to pump up the heating to combat the icy cold left me feeling drowsy. I then got a headache this afternoon and since I have no where to be I chose to have a cat nap instead of taking drugs. So, I re-woke up at half 5 then basically lounged around the rest of the evening, feeling bad that I hadn't really achieved very much with my 2nd day of holiday (the first being Sunday, a day where I also achieved very little - but that's what Sunday's are for. FACT!). Now the Dr Pepper and recent cup of coffee have kicked in and there's no way I'm going to sleep anytime soon. Instead I have made a lo-fi version of a photo studio.

I have the little pop-up version of one of these studios - basically a fold out white fabric box that allows you to get the maximum amount of light onto an object when you're photographing it.

Unfortunately, t-shirts, sweatshirts, skirts etc ain't fitting in it so I've borrowed my mums white polyester table cloth and tucked it across my mattress to create the same affect. So far it working pretty well though if I had more idea how to use my new camera I'm sure things would be going a lot faster (the how to guide comes on a disk - unfortunately a slight spillage has fried my disk drive!).

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The view from my window

4 inches of snow on my window ledge!

AND it's still snowing

Sunday 1 February 2009


I can't believe that it's the 2nd of February and it's snowing! Thankfully I'm off work this week so don't have to deal with it and instead can dress myself head to toe in black jersey and knitwear to stave off the chills. Also thankful that the Mother Ship hasn't surfaced yet (it's 7.23am my time) as even the lightest dusting of snow means she is stuck in the house and generally means much mumbling and grumbling and her going back to bed.

Once the sun is fully out I will take a pic on my new camera :)


An Old Post Resurrected - WTF is a blog? And other things that annoy me

I recently re-found this old Myspace blog of Phil's and couldn't keep my face straight as I read it. I felt his rambling blog on his hatred of blogs (go figure) should be re-posted here to enlighten and humour a wider audience. There'll be more from P over the coming months if I have my way (which I rarely do).

Thursday, January 11, 2008
WTF is a blog? And other things that annoy me
Current mood:Discontent
Category: News and Politics

After reading hundreds of blogs posted by acquaintances I still have not discovered to the true meaning of a blog. What is a blog? I remember hearing on the radio one dismal afternoon, that a blog was some sort of online diary and that you filled it in everyday. Well quite clearly not, the hordes of myspace users dont use a blog in this way but instead prefer to use blogs as promotional tools for their own stupidity and insist on people leaving them "Kudos" and whatever the goodamn that is. Blogs annoy me intensely. Almost to the point of explosion.
Another thing that irritates me is Jeremy Kyle: "No, Look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME!" Guess what Jeremy? Guess?? I dont want to look at you! How do you like those apples!! Speaking of apples, when did apples get grades and different types? No one gave a damn 10 years ago when an apple was an apple and not a "Granny Smith" or a "Jersey Fresh".
"Here, do you want one of my apples?"
"No thanks I only eat McIntosh apples"
On the topic of food, have you ever eaten a Goodfellas pizza? Those round pieces of dough that are somehow passed as pizzas? Jesus H Christ. If you served that shit to real gangsters you'd get whacked big time.

As I sit here typing this rant, I cant help but wonder why I'm doing it and not revising for something that could very well shape my future into something horrible and dark. The prospect of going to University looms ever closer and it got me wondering... why does everyone go to University when studies show that a large amount of students cannot find employment after graduating? Isn't that just a waste of three years? And then I realised that I, myself had applied to University, and that I, myself will probably be wasting three years of my life studying something I dont give a toss about to get myself a job at a petrol station to pay off my student loans.

Other questions that I ask myself:

1. Why can't I be a millionaire?
2. Why is the lottery always won by old people who just save the money or by complete retards who have never seen a car in their life?
3. Why do people set their profile to private? How can I get a glimpse into your interests and tastes if your profile is a private jobby?
4. Why aren't the good bands signed?
5. Why is good food bad for you?
Why is James Blunt allowed to make music?
7. Why cant I find a hat with stars all over it in Hull?
8. Why does Microsoft suck at everything?
9. Why does no one play F1 2002 online anymore?
10. What is the point of General studies?
11. Who invented the BBC?
12. What ever happened to Wisp chocolate bars?
13. Why is American Cream Soda so underated?
14. Where can I find a pair of Dunks with triangles all over them?
15. Why aren't white power bands arrested and/or disbanded for inciting racial hate?
16. Why didn't I apply to Hull University?
17. Why isn't there a H&M in Hull?
18. Why is Max Moseley still president of the FIA?
19. Who invented the Crisp?
20. Will anyone ever be able to afford HD-DVD players?
Does anyone actually sell coloured laundry pens?
22. How many people die every second?
23. How close can a shave get before you know somethings gone wrong?
24. Why has Hollywood recently been flooded with gay remakes of old films?
25. How many people actually enjoy what they're doing with their lives?
26. How many tablespoons of sugar on cereal is normal?
27. Is Phil Loades really weird or is it Urban Legend?
28. Could a new letter be added to the alphabet with the potential to redefine the English language?
29. Why isn't there any black swimmers in the Olympics?
30. Why aren't I in the Olympics?
31. What does it take to become an Olympic champion?
32. What is the point of becoming Olympic champion?
33. Why
isn't F1 made compulsory viewing throughout the UK?
34. Why isn't Tom Hanks immortalised in gold?
35. What's wrong with Tom Cruise's face?
36. Does 4-Head really work?
37. How does Magicool work?
38. Why is a Peter Levy t-shirt £15?
39. How is Past Times still in business?
40. Can people actually use 1000 free texts in a month?
41. Why are raves illegal?
42. Why isn't Ralf Schumacher as good as Michael Schumacher?
43. How can people eat Shredded Wheat without any sugar on them?
44. Why do I get Sky 3 but not Sky 2?
45. Wh
y are Snack-a-Jacks called Snack-a-Jacks?
46. Why do Walkers only fill half the bag?
47. What is the point of a sign saying, this house is sold?
48. Why is the whole topic of Women's Suffrage so unbelievably boring?
49. Where does it go when you pee on a plane?
50. Where does it go when you pee on a train?
51. What is the point of television on Mobile Phones?
52. Why is the UK Music Hall of Fame such a joke?
53. What is the point of Unnecessary greeting cards? eg: "For my wife... on mothers day"
54. Why does white wine taste so Godawful?
55. How does Jeremy Clarkson know everything?
56. Why do people get addicted to drugs?
57. Why don't people just download their music instead of buying it?
58. Why are so many people allergic to peanuts?
59. Wh
ere did The Strokes go?
60. Why does Lynx only last 4 hours?
61. Why aren't buses free if everyone's obssessed with cutting down on global warming?
62. How can T.K.Maxx have such low prices?
63. How can people stand eating Burger King fries?
64. Why is Lego so seriously addictive?
65. Why is my clock so loud? "TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK"
66. How many questions can you write in 1 hour?
67. What time is it at the North Pole?
68. Why don't penguins feet freeze?
69. How does a Limpet attach itself to a whale?
70. How come, when you tickle yourself, it doesn't work?
71. How does anti-dandruff shampoo work?
72. Why does Helium make your voice go funny?
73. Why is Christmas called Christmas?
74. How many asylum seekers can you get in/on an 18 wheeler?
75. Why is Star Wars Episode 1 so poor?
76. Wh
y was Johnny Mann picked on so much?
77. How many minutes would it take to drown if you lied face down into a puddle?
78. Why is the sky blue on a clear day?
79. How many James Bond movies will there be before no one gives a shit?

Thank you for reading my "Blog" and leave some answers for me if have you the time.

Currently listening:
By Sigur Ros
Release date: 13 September, 2005